This type of belt has become very popular in recent years because it can be made in slabs and slit to the desired width, preserving the entire pattern. Generally, this type of belt is available up to 60″ wide in slab form with cut edges. But, if the quantity is sufficient, Price Rubber will tailor make just about any construction.
The cleats are a full 1/4″ x 1/4″, on 45 degree angle, every 6″ down the belt with each row offset 3″ from the next. This pattern is slitable to any width, with the pattern showing where to cut. The belt may be run in either direction, to carry a material up an incline, or to allow proper drainage if run in the opposite direction. Price Rubber makes this type of belt in the same fashion as most other belting. Virtually any compound, any carcass, and nearly any width and length.
Aggressive high speed transference of loads up to 35 degree incline.