A flame resistant, oil suppressant belt has become standard for many grain elevators and utilities in recent years, because both have oil associated with the handling of their product, and both are painfully aware of the danger of fire. This flame resistant compound designated #28-53/10 contains far more Nitrile than most belts offered for this service. Utilities spray coal with fuel oil to hold down dust, while elevators handle corn, soybeans and other vegetable oil products.
This MSHA designated product has served well in many utilities and grain elevators. It is offered in any combination of carcass fabrics, designed specifically for each application.
Price Rubber has manufactured this type of belt on carcasses with strengths up to 1500 pounds per inch of width. An explosion at an elevator can be disastrous, but putting out the resulting fire can be very difficult if ordinary belt is set on fire. This flame resistant compound can save a ton.
Meets all surface conductivity tests defined by ASTM D257 & required by OSHA.